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Certified ELDOA Trainer

Erik Shimane recently completed Trainer Certification process for ELDOA this past weekend. He is the first Certified ELDOA Trainer in Hawaii and 1 of 93 in the world. The training is a vigorous course load of learning in-depth biomechanics of the spine, hips, neck and shoulder, and then learning and applying specific ELDOA exercises for each joint segment. The ELDOA 4 course was taught by French osteopath, Guy VOYER, D.O. — the creator of ELDOA.

Joints that we can apply an ELDOA for include:

L = Lumbar vertebra | S = Sacrum | T = Thoracic vertebra | C = Cervical vertebra

All joint segments in the spine: L5 - S1, L4 - L5, L3 - L2, L2- L1, T12 - L1, T11 - T12, T10 - T11, T9 - T10, T8 - T9, T7 - T8, T6 - T7, T5 - T6, T4 - T5, T3 - T4, T2 - T3, T1 - T2, C7 - T1, C6 - C7, C5 - C6, C4 - C5, C3 - C4, C2 - C3

Coxo-femoral joint (hip joint)

AC joint (Acromion-clavicular)

SCCC joint (Sterno-costal-cleido-clavicular)

Costoclavicular joint

Ribs 1 through 12 joints

Sterno-costal joints (Superior, Middle and Inferior)